| | The Silver Star Medal is the United States' third highest award exclusively for combat valor, and ranks fifth in the precedence of military awards behind the Medal of Honor, the Crosses (DSC/NC/AFC), the Defense Distinguished Service Medal (awarded by DOD), and the Distinguished Service Medals of the various branches of service. The Silver Star is the highest award for combat valor that is NOT unique to any specific branch. It is awarded to a person who, while serving in any capacity with the U.S. military, is cited for gallantry in action against an enemy of the United States while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force, or while serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which the United States is not a belligerent party. 2001 to Present
Killed In Action | |  |
| Ackerman, Elliot Adams, Jarred Ahern, Ryan Alvarez, Jose Ambrosia, Gregory Angell, Todd Archie, Paul B. Charles Good Barbieri, Thomas  Bankston, Edward B. Barnett, Christopher Barrera, Michael Baskin, Kevin Bastable, William A. Bittinger, Raymond Blaskowski, Matthew Bloom, Rocky Bostic, Joshua L. Boada, Stephen Bozzay, Tom Brasher, James Brown, Monica Busch, Joshua Bryant, Philip Camp, Mark Cardenas, Moses Carter, Michael Case, Thomas Cashe, Alwyn  Chiarini, Joshua Church, Jeremy Claughsey, Brian Clemmer, Brent Cole, Jeffrey Conn, Jeffrey Covel, Earl Davis, Aaron Deslauriers, Joseph Desgrosseilliers, Todd Dockery, Lincoln Dollard, Ian Dowling, Michael G. Emmott, Jacob Fetty, Jason Flores, Benny Ford, Sheffield F. Fox, David G. | Gassman, Matthew Gerardi, David Gibson, Joseph Gilbreath, Cecil Gilboe, Timothy Goebel, Cody Goltry, Brennan Golsteyn, Matthew Gonzalez, Antonio Grimesey, John Hallada, Joshua Haralovich, Alec Hassinger, Jason Hermann, John Hernandez, Omar Hester, Leigh Ann Hutchinson, David Hickey, Daniel Holroyd, Adam Jones, Jason Jordan, Patrick Keehan, Michael L. Kelsch, Cam Kimmey, Drew C. Kitching, Brian Kline, Zachary Kong, Jonathan Krueger, Adam Labbe, Joshua R. Laughery, Joshua Lawson, Chad Lewis, Christopher Loheide, Matthew Lovato, Eubaldo Lurz, Joseph Madrigal, Miguelange Malmberg, Chad Manion, Travis L.  McCulloch, Phillip A. Middleton, Craig Miller, McKenna L. Nagel, Ethan Norton, Michael E. O’Connor, Matt Outman, Sean Owen, Byron Penner, Zackery Perez, Joseph M. Pixler, Ross | Prakash, Neil Proctor, Joseph  Provencher, David Pushkin, Gregory Reese, Zachary Reid, Curtis Ridgeway, Daniel Rodriguez, Amilcar Rohrs, Peter Rollins, William W. Rowell, Frederick Rubio, Juan M. Ruske, Gregory Samaroo, Sean Sears, Michael Sebban, Benjamin  Seely, Michael Seif, Andrew Simson, Joshua Smith, Bradley R.  Smith, Cody Smith, John I. Jr. Smith, Terry L.  Snow, Jesse  Solheim, Kent Sparks, Roger Sparks, Timothy R. Stann, Brian Sotelo, Ryan T. Strickland, Ronald D. Tainsh, Patrick  Thompson, Andrew K. Tiedeman, David Tomlin, William Toner, Francis L. IV  Torress, Ivan Villegas, Ismael Warner, Mark West, Michael Westbrook, Kenneth  Wilzcek, Jeremy Wilson, Justin Wilson, Wade  Witkowski, James  Woitowicz, William J.  Worley, Paul Young, Dale Zylstra, Brandon |
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