USAF Special Tactics Tech. Sgt. Cody Smith Awarded Silver Star
by U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Rachel Yates December 1, 2019
The sun was peaking over the urban Afghanistan terrain after days
of cloudy grey skies … creating a peculiarly warm late-October
morning last year.
The change in weather created a tempered
omen as a joint special operations team was heading back to camp
following two long weeks outside the wire … a wary contrast for what
they would soon face.
The team knew they had to transit
through a particularly dangerous area, but had no idea what lied
ahead … a six-hour onslaught resulting in numerous causalities and
For the duration of their battle, the training and
instincts of an Air Force Special Tactics operator were realized as
an Airman willingly exposed himself to enemy fire, directed numerous
30mm gun runs and nine 500-pound bombs, coordinated 11 danger-close
engagements, assisted dozens of civilian casualties and aided in the
recovery of a wounded teammate … even after being struck by enemy
The joint special operations team was depending on the
Special Tactics operator to get them out of there alive. He fought
On November 22, 2019, family, friends and teammates
gathered as U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Jim Slife, commander of Air
Force Special Operations Command, presented the Silver Star Medal to
U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Cody Smith, a Special Tactics combat
controller with the 26th Special Tactics Squadron, 24th Special
Operations Wing, during a ceremony at Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico.
 U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Jim Slife, left, commander of Air Force Special Operations Command, presents a Silver Star Medal to U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Cody Smith, a Special Tactics combat controller with the 26th Special Tactics Squadron, during a ceremony at Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico, Nov. 22, 2019. Smith was awarded the nation’s third highest medal against an armed enemy of the United States in combat for his actions while deployed to Afghanistan in October 2018. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Rachel Williams)
“For the Special
Tactics community, I think [this award is] just another testament to
the level of personnel and the capabilities that we provide the
combat environment,” Smith said. “It’s just another statement to say
that the Air Force does create combat-capable personnel that can
perform at a needed level.”
Smith was deployed as a qualified
joint terminal attack controller with a U.S. Army Special Forces
team to Afghanistan in support of Operation FREEDOM’S SENTINEL in
support of the RESOLUTE SUPPORT Mission during the latter half of
“Among us, there are people who step up to do truly
heroic things … people who have been called upon by history to
accomplish extraordinary actions … people like Cody Smith,” said
U.S. Air Force Col. Matt Allen, commander of the 24th SOW.
The morning of October 14, 2018, Smith and his team were transiting
back to camp after conducting operations to push enemy forces out of
Faryab Province during national parliamentary elections.
they were entering the Shirin Tagab district, they immediately
encountered a semi-truck burning on the side of the road … a
possible signal letting enemy forces know that American troops were
Deeper into the city, concrete barriers inlaid with
improvised explosive devices, inevitably slowed down the convoy and
channeled them into the city.
Then, the morning took a harsh
Enemy forces sprang an overwhelming close-quarters
ambush with mortar, RPG, machine gun and small arms fire.
“The best description of the scene would have to be a directional
and somewhat organized chaos,” said Smith.
Along with
returning fire from his personal weapon, Smith was conducting 30mm
airstrikes from AH-64 Apache helicopters. He was also dropping 250
-and 500-pound bombs from F-16 Fighting Falcons, including 11
danger-close engagements as close as 50 meters away.
think the Special Tactics and the combat control career field does
an incredible job at training personnel to meet and rise to those
occasions in a very deliberate and methodical way,” Smith said. “We
train to a level that enables us to be calm and be collected in
those moments because that’s when you’re the most critical as the
JTAC on a Special Forces team or any [special operations force]
After a few hours of battling enemy fire, one of
Smith’s teammates clearing IEDs in the front of the convoy was hit
and pinned down by hostile fire. Civilian casualties, mostly mothers
and children, began to approach the convoy asking for aid.
Smith was coordinating with aircraft and providing cover to some of
the U.S. forces and civilians when he was targeted with a mortar
that impacted just 2-3 meters from his position.
“I actually
didn’t know what had impacted near me,” Smith said. “It was just
dust and confusion … severely disoriented, basically just like a
spinning effect, and extremely nauseous. I had to gather my
composure and then continue on with providing all the support that I
Even though Smith was suffering from a severe
concussion, he refused medical treatment.
“The mission
wasn’t over,” Smith said. “I was confident in myself to be able to
maintain my composure … there was no one else there that could have
stepped up and filled that role to conduct close air support if the
team needed it. I needed to stay with the team and I needed to
ensure that we made it back to our camp.”
Throughout the
fierce battle, Smith was targeted once more with a mortar and hit
with enemy fire in his chest plate.
As the fight continued
on with the enemy swarming in on either side of the convoy, Smith
was able to conduct precision strike airpower to eliminate forces,
allowing the team to recover one of their own with a gunshot wound
and break away.
Smith remained with this element for the
14-hour transit back to camp to ensure their safety.
In the
end, Smith’s actions that day resulted in saving the lives of his
joint team and prevented a complete overrun by enemy forces.
Smith credits the Silver Star Medal to his joint team.
actions are not my own and the amount of effort that was on the
battlefield that day and the actions that were taken by my Army
teammates was nothing short of incredible,” Smith said.
Amongst the crowd at Smith’s ceremony were four familiar faces: U.S.
Air Force Col. Corey Ketsel, U.S. Air Force Lt. Col’s. Eric
Cleveringa, Josh Wika, and Carl Palmberg. These F-16 Fighting Falcon
pilots with the 114th Fighter Wing, South Dakota Air National Guard,
were overhead that chaotic October day in Afghanistan.
very thankful for the opportunity to see those guys again and shake
their hands,” Smith said. “Largely the reason why I’m still here is
because we had the support of those guys. They were incredibly
competent in their actions and they had a sense of calm that eased
me on the ground and that gave us the ability to put those effects
down on the battlefield quickly and efficiently.”
Tactics Airmen are U.S. Special Operations Command’s tactical air to
ground integration force, and AFSOC’s special operations ground
force, leading global access, precision strike, personnel recovery
and battlefield surgery operations.
Since 9/11/2001, ST Airmen
have received one Medal of Honor, 11 Air Force Crosses and 49 Silver
Star Medals.
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