101St Soldier Gets Silver Star For Saving Life In Afghanistan
(May 4, 2010) |
FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. (ANS - April 22, 2010) -- A 101st Airborne Division Soldier
received the Army's third-highest award for valor April 11 for running through
enemy fire in Afghanistan, eliminating two anti-coalition militants, refusing
treatment for his own wounds and saving the life of a teammate. Sgt. 1st Class John I. Smith Jr., 3rd platoon sergeant with Troop C, 1st
Squadron of the 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, received the
Silver Star Medal for gallantry for his actions in August 2008 while on a
recovery mission in Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom. |
Maj. Gen. John F. Campbell, commanding
general of the 101st Airborne Division and Fort Campbell, Ky.,
awards Sgt. 1st Class John I. Smith Jr., a platoon sergeant with 1st
Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 506th Infantry Regiment, 4th
Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), the
Silver Star Medal during a ceremony April 22, 2010. |
"I saw one of our own Soldiers get hit and I would not stop, no matter what the
cost, to get him out of harm's way," said Smith. "That is what we Soldiers do.
The Warrior Ethos states 'I will never leave a fallen Comrade.'"
Smith, serving as a dismounted reconnaissance platoon sergeant, led his Soldiers
to an objective, Aug. 16, 2008, to conduct a quick-reaction-force mission to aid
an Afghan National Police station that was in danger of being overrun in Paktya
Province, Afghanistan.
"As we approached the scene, we heard the gunfire taking place and Smith
immediately drove his truck up the hill to get a better picture of what was
going on," said Capt. Kevin Bell, the platoon leader for 3rd platoon.
After the QRF team arrived at the scene, they secured the area and began to
treat the Afghan wounded. At that point, the enemy resisted, firing
rocket-propelled grenades, machine-gun fire with armor-piercing rounds and AK-47
small-arms fire.
Once fire superiority was gained, a lull in the fighting allowed Smith and his
teammates to thoroughly examine the situation.
The enemy fire was suppressed, so Smith and a small team went to check on a
casualty, said Bell.
"As one of that team's Soldiers was inspecting what we thought was a wounded ANP,"
said Bell, "he was hit with a grenade and small-arms fire."
The Soldier was wounded, stranded and in need of immediate aid.
"The enemy had a machine-gun team approximately 250 meters away engaging our
element and they had an additional two-enemy-combatant team pinned down in a
ditch approximately 10 meters away from the location of the wounded American
Soldier, who was lying in the open dirt road," said Smith.
Without hesitation, Smith refused treatment for his own wounds, gathered a
two-man-medic team and led them through incoming grenades and enemy fire as they
crossed open ground and reached the Soldier.
"I had to get face-to-face with the enemy to get the Soldier," said Smith. "We
got into a shooting match while I was trying to evacuate the Soldier to get him
medical attention."
Unable to get a clear shot, Smith threw two grenades at the enemy to ensure the
threat had been defused.
"I had to silence the enemy in order to evacuate the wounded Soldier," said
Smith does not see his actions as heroic or brave, merely a culmination of
training and doing the right thing.
"I don't feel like I am a hero, I was just doing my job as an Infantry platoon
sergeant," said Smith. "I signed up to be a Soldier and few get into situations
like this, but I believe that everyone in my platoon right now is willing and
able to do what I did."
"All my years in the Army prepared me to do my job," said Smith. "The most
important detail for me is that all my men made it out alive."
Despite his feelings about that day, those around Smith recognize his heroic
"He says he is not a hero, but he is definitely is a hero," said Bell. "He did
not hesitate or question himself; without indecision, his first thought was
'someone is wounded and in a bad situation and I have to help him.'"
"The example he set is what I remember most from that day," said Bell. "His
reaction was do not think about myself, but help save someone in need."
His humble approach, discipline and commitment to doing what is right began at
an early age in the Boy Scouts of America.
"We were not surprised by his actions; he is a natural-born leader," said Donna
Eames, Smith's mother. "As a Boy Scout he was always in the woods -- it seems as
though his whole life he was preparing for a situation like this."
Jerry Eames, Smith's step-father, said it was not an accident Smith was there;
it was a situation where preparation met opportunity and he did what he was
trained to do.
"Where some kids wanted to play piano or be a musician, he wanted to be a
Soldier," said Eames.
"He was committed to being a Soldier by the age of 6 and would always help
anyone he could," said Donna Eames, adding that Smith constantly
bent-over-backwards to help others and would give the shirt off his back to help
"My son is going into the Army," said Maj. Gen. John F. Campbell, commander of
101st Airborne Division and Fort Campbell. "I would be very, very proud if my
son could serve underneath a noncommissioned officer like Sergeant First Class
Smith." |
Article and photo by Army Spc. Luther L. Boothe Jr.
4th Brigade Public Affairs, 101st Airborne Division
Copyright 2010
Reprinted from
Army News Service
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