Essays By Student Patriots Here you will find prideful thoughts from Student Patriots, America's learning generation in 1st to 12th grade, about the United States of America and all associated with Her. These essays come from the heart and will make you proud that theses students are America's future. So, please take the time to read these inspiring, informative essays. Submit Essay Note: Student's first name is only listed unless permission granted by a submitting teacher or parent or if by a submitting student at least 13 years old. (A student's email address and/or site location will only be listed if a student is at least 13 years old and based on the same conditions as listing just a first name.)Use Notice... Student Patriots' creative work cannot be used outside of USA Patriotism! without permission from the respective student, who is the copyright owner. And permission can only be requested if an email address is associated with a student's creative work. (Please do not contact USA Patriotism! for permission, as it will not respond to the request.) |