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American Soldier - A Reflection of My Principles Zach Turner - 6th Grade
November 2009 |
| Have you ever felt like a song's lyrics were somehow connected to you and your life? Maybe you felt it was somehow a completely innocent coincidence, or did you try to think below the surface; that maybe, just maybe, the artist is trying to send out a message for all to hear. That's how I felt when I heard Toby Keith's "American Soldier"; the song in which a man's principles drive him to do something so noble, that it could even devastate his family. The song describes the principles of love and responsibility so well it is hard to believe a human wrote it.
If you've ever heard the saying " love makes the world go 'round" its one that's hard to forget. In Toby Keith's "American Soldier" he states, "Oh, and I don't want to die for you. But if dyin's asked of me/ I'll bear that cross with an honor/ 'Cause freedom don't come free." This shows that he loves his country so much, that he would sacrifice his life to defend his country and everyone in it. Both of our principles are paradigms (the way you see something). I follow my principle of love by being loving to everyone I know, even people I dislike. He shows his by going to war and protecting our country.
In addition to describing about the principle of love, "American Soldier" also depicts the principle of responsibility. In the song he writes " I don't do it for the money, there's still bills I can't pay/ I don't do it for the glory, I just do it anyway/ Providing for our future's my responsibility." He feels that it is his responsibility to protect the country and provide for our future. A lot of us need to own up to our responsibilities and take control of our actions. " And I can't call in sick on Mondays when the weekends been to strong." He realizes that he can't try to get out of his duties when he doesn't feel like working.
Therefore, "American Soldier" has many meanings such as love, responsibility, trust and faith. Toby Keith has recorded a song that has touched others in a way that words cannot describe. It takes a lot of guts to realize what actions or responsibilities that you need to live up to, but it takes a true hearted person to take action and live up to them or at least attempt to. As the tree of truth and principles slowly but steadily withers away, it only takes one person to rejuvenate and restore the tree back to normal. That person could be me, it could be a governor or a soldier, and it could even be you.
Zach Turner 6th Grade Copyright 2004 Note... This essay was submitted by Zach's father, Scott, on his behalf since Zach was under 13 years old. Essays |
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