Patriotic Videos U.S. Navy > R
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Rear Adm. Grace Hopper Remembered
Region Mid-Atlantic
Releasing The Kraken
Dr. Ron Kuzdak
Eric Robinson
Jen and Aaron
Tom Sederback
Response Training For CBRN Crisis
Return To The USS Cole
Rim of the Pacific
Field Testing New Equipment
Joint Terminal Attack Controller Qualifications
Live-Fire At Range 10
Night Time Direct Action Raid
Rope Suspension and Amphibious Insert
Simulated Casualty & Shock Trauma
Special Operations Air Insertion
Helo RaidIntegrated Patrol
Ships and Subs Close Formation
Riverine Command Boat Weapons Training
Riverine Squadron II
Riverines Secure Port of Djibouti
Navy Videos #'s | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y Air Force | Army | Marines | NG | CG | Other
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