Bryan Boudreaux was serving
as a manager at the U.S.
embassy in Baghdad on Jan.
29, 2005, when insurgents
fired a missile at the
Boudreaux threw himself over
a soldier who had been
knocked to the ground to
protect him from the debris
and smoke that began filling
the room. Boudreaux then
gave first aid to a major,
saving his life and his arms
from amputation. Afterward,
Boudreaux re-entered the
embassy, helping others to
safety and performing first
aid when necessary.
The blast killed two people
and wounded seven others.
During his deployment,
Boudreaux expertly managed
$18.6 billion that was
appropriated by Congress to
rebuild Iraq. For his
service, Boudreaux received
the Bronze Star Medal on
Sept. 6, 2005.