I hope you spent at least a few minutes on Memorial Day in solemn remembrance
of all America's brave ones who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving our
great nation. I even ended my Memorial Day by watching the movie,
Taking Chance ,
starring Kevin Bacon. Well, it really completed Memorial Day
for me in a very emotional way ... tugging at my heart every minute
as Kevin Bacon's character escorts a fallen fellow Marine back to
his family.
Oh, how simple can the eyes mist up watching a movie like “Taking
Chance” on any day, but it was really an emotional ride on this
Memorial Day. I felt so personally involved . . . I know it
was partially due to me reflecting on my feelings when my youngest
son was serving with the Marines in Iraq during 2003. I also
thought about the fallen whose loved ones communicated with me in
person or by email.
Chance or other movies about the fallen should also be mandatory
viewing by every student in the 10th or 11th grade shortly before the
Memorial Day weekend. Their teachers could then relate the
closeness of their age to those only a few years older who made the
ultimate sacrifice in defending America and preserving the freedoms that
they enjoy everyday. Now, that is what I call . . . really
honoring the fallen!
Of course, the same applies to parents, who can sit down with their
children at an appropriate age and watch
Taking Chance
together . . . just be prepared for the questions to follow . . . with
all of you remembering our cherished fallen heroes in thoughtful prayer.
will also find
Private Bluegrass...A Christmas Story by Joe Bonsall of the Oak Ridge Boys a
must read. It is a well-written short story that will grab your heart from
the start ... and stirred thoughts of Memorial Day again. (Joe is also the author
of the book,
G.I. Joe & Lillie: Remembering a Life of Love and Loyalty.)
The same goes for his "home made" music video,
Sacrifice For Me,
and the Oak Ridge Boys' inspirational, memorable music video,
you must experience the singing talent of 14 year old Dylan Cragle by watching
the video of his touching performance of his first original song,
He Taught Me.
(Dylan was actually 13 when the video was produced in January.)
The heartfelt
song is about a boy thinking of his dad and all the kids' dads at war. It was
another moving experience for this father with thoughts returning to our fallen
ones. Dylan Cragle has my best wishes for a very successful music career. 
see is the music video of "This is Freedom" by Justin Unger . . . I
was spellbound by the emotional visual impact of the video, Justin
Unger's wonderful performance, his heart grabbing lyrics, and the
inspirational music . . . all making me so very proud to be an American!
And you will be moved be the images of the troops and thoughts of our
Even my grandson and his friend (both 15) were
moved when they viewed it with me. I think it will impact you similarly.
Justin Unger's
This is
Freedom is a memorable, timeless song that
underscores America's founding principles and pays tribute to Her heroes
and patriots.
Moreover, there are many other wonderful
videos by a number of artists (legends like the Oak Ridge Boys,
aspiring ones like Justin Unger, and young new ones like Dylan Cragle) .
. . and other videos honoring America's fallen heroes.
And since USA Patriotism! has strongly supported the
USO with high profile
links at the top of its thousands of pages, I thought the Memorial Day period
was an ideal time to write my new poem,
USO - There For The Troops.
The USO also graciously accepted my offer
to use my poem,
The Fallen, at its Dover AFB location and elsewhere. The
USO at Dover
AFB is where families wait in caring solace for their brave fallen loved ones'
return to America.
So, yes... Memorial Day was definitely a solemn day of remembrance for me.
May God continue to watch over our valiant, proud troops and beloved
David G. Bancroft Founder / Owner USA Patriotism! Copyright 2010 |