Sgt. Ysidro Gonzalez Jr. was recently recognized for his
heroic service while serving with the 2nd Marine
Expeditionary Force (Forward) in Afghanistan. He was awarded
the Bronze Star Medal with a Combat Distinguishing Device on
Feb. 2 while aboard Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, N.C.
 Staff Sgt. Ysidro Gonzalez Jr. was recognized on Feb. 2,
2012 for his heroic service while serving with the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward) in Afghanistan. He deployed as a platoon sergeant with 1st Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment, Regimental Combat Team 2 during 2010.
Photo by USMC Pfc. James Frazer |
The Bronze Star is the fourth highest combat award that
the US can use to recognize its servicemembers. The Combat
Distinguishing Device, a small “V” for valor that rests on
the ribbon of the medal is granted for acts of heroism in
“I had a job to do. As Marines we learn
about guys like Jimmie Howard and Dan Daly that show us that
the job doesn't stop when we get hurt,” said Gonzalez, who
recently returned from the deployment with 1st Battalion,
8th Marine Regiment, Regimental Combat Team 2. “That day I
got hurt and it's unfortunate but it happens and I still had
a job to do. I had to take care of my Marines and there was
a fight to be done.”
The day that Gonzalez is
talking about was Dec. 20, 2010 when he led a section of the
81-millimeter Mortar Platoon on a covert ambush. After
capturing six enemy fighters, Gonzalez and his Marines came
under attack by a large group of insurgents. In the chaos
Gonzalez was shot in the shoulder by an enemy rifle.
Refusing to leave his Marines he continued to supervise
defensive actions, inspiring Marines with his guidance and
dedication while they held out against the enemy for four
hours before they were evacuated.
“Staff Sgt.
Gonzalez was a great platoon sergeant, especially in combat,” said
Cpl. Shaun Clarkson, who had served with Gonzalez as one of his team
leaders during the deployment and had experienced several firefights
at his side. “During my first firefight he |
was fearless
and hearing his quick commands helped keep my mind where it needed
to be. I'm grateful that I got the opportunity to deploy with him.” |
Clarkson explained that in combat there was no
hesitation in Gonzalez's actions and even when they weren't
in combat he would take the time to be with his Marines and
talk about life and what being a leader of Marines meant.
Clarkson described Gonzalez as the inspiration that held the
platoon steadfastly through toughest parts of their
“The toughest days of the deployment
were when we lost Marines like Greene and Ortiz,” said
Gonzalez. “When we had to take these young guys and put them
on a plane and send them back to the United States and their
families. This award isn't about anything I did; it's on
behalf of all the Marines that we lost, the ones that are in
the fight now and the ones that are going to go there.”
Gonzalez is currently applying for orders to the Marine
Corps Staff Academy where he hopes to help make leaders from
Marines of all the different military occupations. He
pointed out that it's not just the infantry that lead
Marines but all staff noncommissioned officers and he says
that by being able to play a part in training those Marines
that will lead others, he can help influence Marines
everywhere to continue doing the work that needs to be done.
“I'm extremely humbled to receive this award,” said
Gonzalez. “It's always an honor to be recognized by your
command and your higher ups, but as far as I'm concerned any
Marine over there now, no matter what their job is, if
they're in direct contact with bad guys they all deserve to
be recognized.”
By USMC Pfc. James Frazer 2nd Marine Division
Marine Corps News Copyright 2012
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