DSN Antennas Arrayed For Voyager 1 May 5, 2024 Larger Image > Facebook | Flickr April 20, 2024 - A captivating, reminding image showing the historic first of all six radio frequency antennas at the Madrid Deep Space Communication Complex ... part of NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN) ... being tested to receive data from the agency's Voyager 1 spacecraft (upper right corner inset) at the same time. Known as "arraying," combining the receiving power of several antennas allows the DSN to collect the very faint signals from faraway spacecraft. A five-antenna array is currently needed to downlink science data from the spacecraft's Plasma Wave System (PWS) instrument. As Voyager gets further way, six antennas will be needed. Voyager 1 is over 15 billion miles away, so its signal on Earth is far fainter than any other spacecraft with which the DSN communicates. It currently takes Voyager 1's signal over 22 ½ hours to travel from the spacecraft to Earth. To better receive Voyager 1's radio communications, a large antenna ... or an array of multiple smaller antennas ... can be used. Also, the Voyager team is currently working to fix an issue on the spacecraft that has prevented it from sending back science data since November 2023. Note... The inset is an artist concept depicts NASA Voyager 1 spacecraft entering interstellar space. Interstellar space is dominated by the plasma, or ionized gas, that was ejected by the death of nearby giant stars millions of years ago. Image created by USA Patriotism! from NASA/JPL-Caltech/Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) courtesy photos/graphics. Americans | I Am An American! | We The People | America's Destiny | Give Thanks | Love and Pride of USA | National Will God and Country | One Nation Under God | America's Symbol | Old Glory | Hooray USA! | America, My Home! Our Valiant Troops | I Am The One | Answering The Call | Brave Young | Brave Blue | Our Heroes, America's Best Veterans | Citizens Like Us | Vietnam War Veterans | Spouses Serve Too Honoring The Fallen | Don't Weep For Me | Remember The Fallen | Tears For Your Fallen | Our Wounded |