Performed and Written by
Matt Fitzgibbons Copyright 2011 - registered with
Matt Fitzgibbons' wonderfully
performed, heartfelt song, "They Can't Take That Away From
You", is a strong message about the importance
of freedom and its associated rights! David Bancroft, USA Patriotism! founder (June
About Matthew Fitzgibbons I got my degree in Philosophy from the University of Connecticut and lived in Japan for a couple of years. When I returned, I continued teaching English to foreign students in Manhattan. I was always interested in history and loved writing songs.
As I met people from all over the world, I started asking myself how we could be composed of so many different cultures and yet be so different from the rest of the world. I concluded that it is our founding principles that have been the key to our nation's success and that refamiliarizing ourselves with them is our only hope for continued success in the future. In other words, to know where we are going, we must know where we come from.
I have a tremendous respect for all those souls in our past and present who have fought to defend our Constitution, and my music is to say "thank you" to them.