There are very few Americans since our
great country's birth who have done so much out of love
and pride of the USA than Ronald Reagan.
Considered as one of our greatest
Ronald Reagan personified representing "We the
People" without concern for personal gain.
Nor did
this man of resolute character ever flinch when it came
to safeguarding, preserving, and protecting
America . . . as our freedom and way of life always came first.
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from
extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the
bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and
handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will
spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it
was once like in the United States where men were free." Ronald Reagan
And while Ronald Reagan contributed so much to the
USA, there is no better way to salute him as a Great American
Patriot than in the words of leaders and fellow Americans...President George W. Bush ...
"Ronald Reagan won America's respect with his greatness, and won its love with his goodness. He had the confidence that comes with conviction, the strength that comes with character, the grace that comes with humility, and the humor that comes with wisdom."
President Bill
Clinton ... "Hillary and I will always remember President Ronald Reagan for the way he personified the indomitable optimism of the American people, and for keeping America at the forefront of the fight for freedom for people everywhere. It is fitting that a piece of the Berlin Wall adorns the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington."
President George H.
Bush ... "Our friend was strong and gentle. Once he called America hopeful, big-hearted, idealistic, daring, decent and fair
. . . Ronald Reagan was beloved because of what he believed. He believed in America so he made it his shining city on a hill
. . . He believed in freedom so he acted on behalf of its values and ideals. He believed in tomorrow so the great communicator became the great liberator.
President Gerald Ford ...
"Ronald Reagan was an excellent leader of our nation
during challenging times at home and abroad."
Vincent Forras ... "Ronald Reagan's success on
every level illustrates a leader with class, dignity,
strength, patriotism, humility and of all things
CHARACTER AND HONOR . . . It was Reagan's vision of the
shining city on top of the mountain that captured the
imagination and patriotism of our great country. He is
the first president that I wrote directly to,
inspired by his actions and the birth of my first child,
Michael who is now a serving Marine . . .
Whenever I
think of President Reagan I get a chill, a feeling of
pride and ultimately a tear at the loss of this great
American. The fall of the Soviet Union, the reuniting of
east and western Europe, his standing up to the Iranians
literally in his first minutes of his first term,
Challenger Disaster as he made his brilliant and moving
speech, standing up to the terrorists in Libya and so
much more! His words were simple, elegant and welcomed
always . . . The love I feel for this man is as a
father, as a leader and as someone who should absolutely
appear in my lifetime on Mount Rushmore."
Joseph Decker
... "He was a president that cared and
supported the American people and their nation . . . his
love of country and its people cannot be denied . . .
someday I would like to see his face chiseled in stone
at Mount Rushmore." Matt
Fitzgibbons ... "Ronald Reagan once said, 'The
most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm
from the government and I'm here to help.'
What else is there to say? This is the belief of our
founding fathers… what United States were founded on…
what made this Republic great."
Alexandra Reed
Lajoux ... "Ronald Reagan, as Commander in
Chief of the United States of America was a president
who could inspire all people, whatever their political
affiliation . . . The lanky actor and union organizer
turned visionary leader burst onto the national scene
late in the 1970s just when America was tiring of being
defeated and humiliated.
Images of American captives
being blindfolded and mocked showed on the nightly news. America had just celebrated its 200th birthday and the
irony seemed too hard to bear . . . A humble man, he
knew he had to achieve the dignity incumbent on the Oval
Office. And he did. His earliest theme was “Sunrise in
America” and with his reasonable yet warm approach to
our issues, he became our “sun” . . . In all his words
and actions Ronald Reagan had one core message: I love
America. He loved our founding values. He loved our
potential to grow beyond them by being more inclusive.
He loved our capacity to work, to take responsibility,
to admit when we were wrong but to
also stand up and be counted when we were not to blame
and instead needed to make a mark. He loved our warriors
past and present: men and women in uniform ready to
fight tyranny and torture courageously on air, land, and
sea . . . He disdained traditional barriers of gender
and race, appointing new faces to the cabinet and to the
land's highest court. . . Rest in peace Ronald Reagan.
May perpetual light shine on you, now and forever."
David G. Bancroft,
founder of USA Patriotism! ...
"Ronald Reagan epitomizes the best in
American leadership . . . and putting country above
oneself for freedom's sake and the good of all
Americans. He should remain a shinning light of
inspiration for today's generations and those yet to
come." |