The country is at war, but many still do not understand Tis time for a reality check so let me take you gently by the hand I will lead you on an incredible journey Till we all can see the Promised land
For what has been to painful to discuss For those who have left this earth and gone before us America, WE MUST FIGHT! Come together; Unite!
For the many still suffering so, the prisoner's of war And for all that we hold so very precious, and adore America, WE MUST FIGHT! Come together; Unite!
When the events of 9-11 swept them all so swiftly away People stood in bewilderment on that dreadful day America, WE MUST FIGHT! Come together; Unite!
To live in a place with opportunity in this wonderful land For Freedom, For Justice, For all that we stand America, WE MUST FIGHT! Come together; Unite!
We watched our young and old leave for battle to fight for what is right As we say a prayer of comfort that our children are safe at night America, WE MUST FIGHT! Come together; Unite!
To raise our flag with Honor and the Pride that we all share To bring our Nation's closer together to show them that we care America, WE MUST FIGHT! Come together; Unite!
Many have fought in a war before, so many too old to do it anymore But the magnificent visions left so deeply in their mind for a pursuit of happiness as they left loved ones so true, behind America, WE MUST FIGHT! Come together; Unite!
For the mother's love as they hold their letters dear to their heart As they watched with sadness as their families drift slowly apart America, WE MUST FIGHT! Come together; Unite!
Those medals of honor for saving a life, too Fighting to save the RED, WHITE, AND BLUE America, WE MUST FIGHT! Come together; Unite!
As unborn children lie in a protected place Just patiently waiting to be born into this human race America, WE MUST FIGHT! Come together; Unite!
For all those in this battle both family and friends For our Great Country, this list never ends America, WE MUST FIGHT! Come together; Unite!
Each day the countless tears have been shed Think about it... Is there ever enough said? As they wait with dear hearts to come home to us again To the sweet smell of roses, and the comfort of their own warm bed
America, WE MUST FIGHT! Come together; Unite! Now, bow to say a prayer to our Great GOD above Please Bless us all with the gifts of PEACE and LOVE America, WE MUST FIGHT! Come together; Unite!
It's a very long difficult journey to another place and time Now won't you open up the warmth in your hearts, don't you see Ride closely now, hold tight, on your Angel's wings Cause, they are fighting with all their might, for YOU and for ME
For all of America, Hear them call! WE MUST FIGHT! Please one and all, come together; Unite! |