Student Patriots > Poem
War and Tragedy | |  |
The Two Towers |
The name of the Lord is a strong tower, Says Solomon for a dark hour. The righteous run in and hide; In the Lord they shall safely abide. The name of the Lord is a strong tower, For the righteous in a dark hour. It is not just His name That is a rest for the lame, But God has made another tower For those in a dark hour. A land that Pilgrims sought. A land who's price could not be bought. This land became a tower To those who had no power. Many came across the seas So an Almighty God they could please. This land called the land of free, Where blind can now see, Would not be a tower, Would hold no power, Could wanderers not board, If not for the name of the Lord. This land called America is built on Faith. 'Twas founded to keep Christians safe. The righteous traveled from afar With a Book nothing could mar, To reach a refuge tower From those who had much power. But before they reached these shores, They had already reached the doors Of the tower whose name is the Lord. | By Lois Dunphy 11th Grade Copyright 2007 Listed July 11, 2007 |
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