Compassion Begins...and Ends |
He slowly approaches his fallen foe As tension fills
the air, And he warily scrutinizes The crumpled figure
lying there.
He remembers stern warnings About
booby traps he's received, But he's young and
inexperienced And he doesn't quite believe...
other man is still breathing, He can see the chest fall
and rise; His own breath stops in his throat And sweat
stings his eyes.
He sees the blood staining the
ground And hears a soft, pained moan; Compassion wills
him to aid this kid As though he were one of his own.
His rifle wavers, then lowers As pity conquers his
fear, Then the enemy's eyes open wide... And they are
cold and clear.
The GI's rifle swings back up As
he whispers for his mother, Realizing the mistake he's
made And that he'll never make another. |
Thurman P. Woodfork
Copyright 2004 / Revised 2006 Listed
January 12, 2011 |