Whispers of Arlington | 
Under the cover of night
I lay flat and still
I cannot move about
Even if it was my will
There is a bitter coldness
Casting a shadow over me
I think about my life, friends, and family
I think about my brothers who fill the columns and rows
We are all accounted for, though some names are unknown
We lay in the dark, but yet we can still see
Surrounded by monuments honoring what we've done
A one time contribution for the sacrifices of your sons
They are made of brick and stone that will fade away with time
There is something more permanent that we all have in mind
It's been torn, burned, trampled, and scorned
By so many that it stands to protect
They call themselves Americans, and scream about their rights
We watch them soak our flag and light it up in spite
It was gift to my father for the loss of his son
A permanent change that could never be undone
Give us the flag as our memorial shrine
Let it fly wherever the sun does shine
Send it with our brothers as they go off to war
But please dear god disgrace it no more |
By Phillip Hernandez Copyright 2007
August 27, 2007 |