We came to Nam From all corners of the world, Filled with piss and vinegar, Bravado and braggadocio.
We came to Nam From farms and ghettos, Cities and villages, Different countries and cultures. About to be bonded In ways we couldn't imagine.
We came to Nam Young believers. Ready to beat the world. They never told us The world was ready for us.
With hormones oozing from every pore, We wouldn't have listened anyway.
We came to Nam Teenagers and twenty-somethings Mature and immature, Married and single-wild. Giving up our precious youth, To a cause they said was right, Never understanding what we were giving up.
We endured. Somehow, we endured. Through hours of boredom And moments of terror We endured.
We left Nam Different than those who came. Bonded forever With people we never knew. For we had all been to the mountaintop. Different mountains, Different heights, Same view Of Satan's Promised Land.
We left Nam To move into the future. Some, with eyes facing forward, Hopeful, determined, Thankful for the gift of life.
Some moving forward By walking backwards, Eyes firmly focused On those seminal events That would forever define their lives.
For them, Nam won. |