U.S. Army Air Corps of WWII |  | Young men then, like many of that time Soon left their life of youth behind, Went abroad to help those we call kin And stop a tyrant and his kind.
Against God's wishes, he came by storm A tyrant's dream, a world to rule, With death and destruction, he marched on Reaping great success in aircraft duels.
America left no friend alone To bear the grief of that war's plight, The tyrant's use of his Luftwaffe's might Was his wish to end Britain's will to fight.
B-17's, 24's and fighters too Soon bombed towns of ancient fame, By the tyrant's hand, the same was done To towns and villages along the Thames.
The tyrant's force soon began to wither As Allied Forces controlled the air, His time and power was soon depleted Leaving once great forces in despair.
When war was over, and the land reclaimed Land that lay fallow through years that passed, Now Nation's young men are buried there All in God's Air Force now at last.
In peace, they all sleep As the days turn into years, Is there thoughts for those that stayed? Have we stopped the shedding of our tears?
May all those in God's hand now Find peace in all they've done, The Peace we have, you died for The war you fought was won. | Written in memory of my Brother-in-law, 1st Lt. Ralph B. Sheppard, a Navigator on a B-17, and to all his comrades that rest now, in foreign land..."Keep the Show on the Road," forever. | By Frank J. Agnello Copyright 2004 |
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