The Unknown |
Long are the days short are the nights
Anxious are the soldiers; time is not on their side
Today is the day they must say goodbye
Gather all of their gear and away they will fly
Hundreds of men and women, some are which are not fully grown
Parade through an airport, their mission still unknown
Afraid of what they don't know, as anyone would be
Praying on the plane ride over, that one day again they'll see
Everything they are leaving behind, all of the ones who just said goodbye
The plane ride over could not be any longer, thirteen hours to sit and
Their future is uncertain; almost nothing now is for sure
The only thing they do know, is that they are heading to war
They finally reach Kuwait at O'dark thirty,
It is hot as hell and they're extremely dirty
This trip has taken three days and two nights,
Again they wonder to themselves are they going to be all right
Two days later they are off to Afghanistan
This is a scary thing, even for a fully-grown man
No soldier enters this place without any fear
But this place is now their home for the upcoming year! |
Regina Urban
Copyright 2009 Listed June 9, 2009
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