That Special Kind |
Since the Birth of our Nation
We have sent our Young to War
To do Battle for our Freedoms
For Truth, and Right, and More.
We take them from their Families
And send them all around the World
To show all the other Peoples
How, Freedom's flag's unfurled.
They're sent with a wealth of knowledge
That they carry and spread well
Our Ambassadors to others
With a story only, they can tell.
So, as we bask in our lifestyles
And gather 'round the Christmas Tree
Let's say a Prayer and Give Thanks
To those who make us Free.
Let's bring them all Home for a moment
And hold them in our Heart and Mind
For each and every one's a Hero
And each, one of a very Special kind. |
Del "Abe" Jones
Copyright 2003 Listed
December 23, 2009 |