To My Love |
By the time you read this letter,
I'll be far away from you
I had no choice, you see
It was what I had to do.
I want you to know I love you
Even more than life itself
And it tears my heart in two
To leave you by yourself.
But I am a soldier, regardless
And I will stand to fight the foe
So, please don't think me heartless
For telling them I would go.
It's just that our nation needs me
To defeat the wrongs of men
Fighting for peace will feed me
Till I taste your kisses again.
So, keep the home fires burning
And whisper a prayer or two
Till you see my ship returning
And I lock my eyes on you.
Then wave to me, my sweet,
Wearing that smile of yours
Which makes my world complete
And brings me home from wars. |
By Nancy L. Meek
Copyright 2003 Listed April 30, 2010 |
About Author... Nancy is the proud wife of William "Billy" J. Meek, a Vietnam War
Veteran, who served with the 1st Cavalry Airmobile Division, 11th Aviation
Group, 228th Battalion, Co. B.
Nancy's website |
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