The Last Stop Before Going Home |
Hello Soldier; you don't know who I am.
Today, my brothers and I
Will unfold your Flag.
We will take special care
To cover you in
our Nation's Flag;
May it keep you warm
Until you reach home.
Today we will attend to your casket
Making sure that every line of your Flag
Is as straight as the honor you gave.
Today we will honor and praise your name.
Before we let them take you any where
We will welcome and salute you home.
We will not outwardly cry;
Our tears we hold privately inside.
The inspector will inspect each and every casket
Before you leave our hands,
And when he is done, he will nod his head
That you are ready for your final journey home.
My brothers and I will wear white gloves;
We will carry you out of the plane
Where we will pray for your name.
We pray to God to bless you this day.
You will hear no words from any of us;
Our eyes will show you how we feel.
Our hearts will carry
The memory of who you are.
We will carry you with pride,
We will honor your life,
We have received you;
We now deliver you.
You are now on your way;
The next stop is home.
They will be waiting for you
Your mother will now have peace
That her son is at his final resting place.
Tomorrow, another plane will come
My brother's and I will be waiting;
We will unfold another Flag.
We will cover their casket
To keep them warm
Until the time comes
For them to go home! |
Ruby Alexandra Beloz
Copyright 2004 Listed May 24, 2009
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