Time to Go |
I could see the flash of cannon
Over the ridge of the hill
Could hear the shots over my head
As I lay deathly still.
I looked up at the twinkling stars
Through the haze of the gunsmoke
And I could hear my comrades
Whispering as they spoke.
There was a quaking in their voice
That betrayed their mortal fear
And as I gazed into the sky
I asked, "What am I doing here?"
I thought of all those buddies
Killed on this foreign shore
And of loved ones back home
And then, I knew, "What for!"
To fight for God and Country
Is a calling, most will heed
To keep freedom safe from those
Who would plant an evil seed.
I lay there in my foxhole
Gripped by the numbing cold
But then, felt a warmth, from inside
Like I was held in the "fold".
I felt my best friend touch me
And couldn't believe he said,
"No need to call the corpsman,
'Cause he's already dead!"
And then my head felt light
As I looked down below,
Whispered, "I'll see ya', Bros
Because it's time for me to go!" |
Del "Abe" Jones
Copyright 2006 Listed May 27, 2009 |