They Did |  |
| Would you go with Washington, across the frozen Delaware Or march with him to Yorktown, to face the British waiting there? They did.
Would you sail on Constitution, with Sailors and Marines Across the cold Atlantic, to land at Tripoli? They did.
Would you fight beside Old Hickory and pirate Jean Lafitte To defeat General Pakenham down at New Orleans? They did.
Would you stand with men like Travis, at San Antonio As Santa Anna's six thousand troops attacked the Alamo? They did.
Would you fight to save the country, torn by civil war So the Stars and Stripes would fly, over the United States once more? They did.
Would you go with Dewey on Olympia, to shell Manila Bay Or Roosevelt down to Cuba, remembering the Maine? They did.
Would you join the Devil Dogs at Belleau Wood or the trenches of Verdun Denying the Germans "Gay Par-iee", and winning World War One? They did.
Would you climb the rocks at Normandy or Iwo's black, volcanic sand To whiz with Patton in the Rhine, or drop atoms on Japan? They did.
Would you march to Chosin Reservoir in snow and freezing rain Or look north across the DMZ, despising "Hanoi Jane"? They did.
Would you race across the desert with the Coalition troops Or ride a Blackhawk to the ground, in the filth of "Moog"? They did.
Would you drive Iraqi streets, with car-bombs everywhere Or climb Afghani mountains, and breathe the cold, thin air? They did.
Would you give your very life, to help preserve the dream Of freedom, justice, liberty and democracy? They did. | By Ken B. Harper Copyright 2007 Listed 02/15/2007 |