They Are America |
They are young, these men, and women
They come from large cites, and small farm towns
Some just eighteen, some are twenty-five
Some just barely out of high school, some out of college
They like to participate in sports either playing or
They are involved in community projects, large and small
Some are relaxed and laid back while others are energetic
with jobs
All want to excel in life and be the best they can be
They represent the ideals of their country
Some will join the Armed Forces to protect those ideals
They will prepare for the worst and hope for the best
Some will live; some will die in the defense of our ideals
They will join the Army or the Marines
Some will join the Navy or the Air Force
While others will join the Coast Guard to protect our shores
These Men and Women ARE America |
Merrill Vaughan, Ret. USAF MSgt.
Assistance Site
Copyright 2003 Listed April
20, 2009 |
Dedicated to
men and women
of the
Armed Forces |