Thank You Vets and Soldiers |
As I lie here in my bed tonight all safe, and dry,
and warm I'm reminded now of those who fight To keep
us safe from harm
They may be lying in a hole
somewhere with the raindrops falling down In the cold
and dark, they dream of home and pray not to be found
For the enemy is closing in Their brave hearts start
to pound They "dig in" and prepare to fight Right
there, on foreign ground
Do you understand their
sacrifice? Have you ever stopped to care? Do you
realize that what you have... is because those troops
were there?
They got the call, were proud to serve
So that you and I could live It's time to give what they
deserve Is "thanks" too much to give? |
By Jan Q. Koch
Copyright 2011 Listed October 21, 2011 |
Author's Note: I wrote this poem with love and
gratitude for my personal hero, Tex Eugene Duke, USMC. |
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~~ Send your comments and/or use permission request to
Jan Q. Koch. ~~ |
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