These Are Our Men, Lord | 
| These Are Our Men, Lord Navy, Marines, Army and Air Force too, we see, The wondrous work you are doing. And happily We applaud you each and every day, to our Lord. And, ask Him to keep you safely in His accord. We know you miss your families, sweethearts too. And, the loving wives you left behind, so true. We, here in the USA are so proud to call you our own. But, we look forward to the day, you can all come home. You keep our American homes safe for us today. Put yourselves in danger, to keep the enemy far away... From the Land of the free and home of the brave. We are Praying, for your precious lives too, for God to save. He knows you're there for your Country to keep. While, your loved ones can safely in their beds, sleep. We Pray God will watch over you, keep you safe and sound... In the waters, in the air and upon the ground. Daily, we think of all the splendor in our lives that you bring. And, of the reward and Praises of you, in our hearts we sing. We Pray the war you'll safely win and it will soon be over and done. And, Glory and Honor, in our hearts you truly have won. Soon Christmas will be upon us and you'll not be here. But, we ask our dear Savior to give your brave hearts cheer. Your sacrifice means so much, it makes our hearts for you, weep. But, we know God will be with you on Christmas, as your lives he doth keep. | Pearlie Duncan Walker Copyright 2001 |