True American Patriotism | 
All down through the pages
Of America's history,
The citizens of America
Have loved true liberty,
And many who have loved it,
Have fought on the battlefield,
To keep their loved ones free from fear,
And never would they yield.
They believed in the cause of freedom,
And all we've stood for here,
And pledged allegiance to the flag,
Which to their hearts was dear,
And served with faith undaunted,
Wherever they were sent,
Because they understood the cause,
And just what "Freedom" meant.
And all who now are serving
In the Armed Forces today,
Deserve our thanks and gratitude,
For protecting the U. S. A.
From tyrants and from tyranny,
And all who would enslave,
And many others have fought and died,
And are lying in the grave.
And yet, the battle must go on,
To keep America free,
And keep the dream alive today,
The dream of liberty,
And justice for one and all,
As our Constitution states,
And you've answered our nation's call
While the enemy awaits.
And so we honor you today,
And thank you, heart and soul,
For helping safeguard liberty,
As you fulfill your role,
To keep this land, America,
One nation, meant to be
The home of every patriot
Who loves true liberty.
May God bless America,
And every veteran, too,
Who's served the cause of liberty,
And our Red, White and Blue,
And may we never, ever forget
That "Freedom isn't Free,"
And that each and every veteran
Deserves "THANKS" from you and me.
So thanks to all the veterans,
The present and the past,
For helping keep America free,
When skies are overcast,
And thanks for being willing
To fight for liberty,
Which is a cause worth fighting for,
To keep America free. | By James H. Lee, Jr.
Copyright 2010
Listed November 18, 2010 |