Stand United |  |
| The loss we felt was cruelly dealt as if each had been our own And they were indeed in the land where freedom rings a single tone They were us and we were they, in every way their pain was ours And within us all, upon each heart's wall, we'll forever bear the scars The image is stained, forever ingrained, on the windows of our minds The words to express are either too less or impossible to find Each teardrop shed clearly said what couldn't, by mouth, be told Upon each cheek, each voice to speak was as one --- young and old:
"We will stand united under candle lighted glow Looking straight into the eyes of any uprising foe Till each wrong is righted, the candle lighted glow remains As a beacon for salvation for a Nation which sustains"
They spoke of a Nation whose Declaration declared now and then Equality and the right to be free for all women and men When the smoke cleared, what persevered were strengths within us all To become as one, second to none, shoulder-to-shoulder, standing tall From city streets across fields of wheat, the call goes far and wide If we're to endure, we must ensure our stances side-by-side And from ocean shores up to the doors where you and I both stay Arm-in-arm, we'll turn back harm in coming nights and days
"We must stand united against uninvited souls Those which toil upon native soil with evil, mindless goals Till each is brought to justice, we must preserve our land Keeping it free for you and me --- united do we stand"
And, as we move on, they shall live on in every thought and prayer Each father, mother, sister, and brother and, unto each, I swear There exists bonds that reach beyond no boundaries anywhere lie Reaching onward towards tomorrow, past the sorrow by and by You shall forever be a part of America's heart and soul As winds of change rearrange and the tides of time do roll And though we can't replace the faces, still your places shall exist Each twinkling flame shall bear each name, not one will be missed
"We shall stand united, undivided, in our quest Finding strength from one another and, to the end, we shall not rest We must stand together and weather every storm Then we'll hail the unveiling of the rainbow as it forms"
Just as many remember that fateful November of nineteen sixty-three In vivid accounts as it was announced that Camelot ceased to be So shall we recall everything and all we did, were doing, and had done When terror was born that Tuesday morn, September eleventh two-thousand one. | By Thomas Beechey Copyright 2007 Listed April 2, 2007 |