Speeches and Medals |
The weapons have changed, But the soldiers are the
same: So proclaims a TV commercial Advertising a game.
Through all the gory turmoil Of Man's contentious
history, The Cohorts and the Tommies, The GIs like you
and me,
Mostly drift away, forgotten, Once our
patriotic duty is done, Designated �Yesterday's Heroes'
When there are no wars to be won
Or age and infirmity
have So affected our reflexes We can no longer swiftly
react To the demands of war's excesses.
bodies and psyches, Mangled in those glorious wars,
Get bandages, speeches, and medals And precious little
Proud veterans bearing scars, both Visible
and hidden from sight, Wear those medals on special days,
But some secretly weep at night,
Haunted by thoughts
and visions Bandages and medals cannot ease, Forever
beset by stalking demons No speech will ever appease. |
By Thurman P. Woodfork
Copyright 2007 Listed
February 26, 2011 |