Soldiers We Honor You | 
| A soldier strong and true We love and honor you You sacrifice to save us all To not let our country fall
We stand for what is right We battle through the night Our flag shall wave at dawn We keep our Armor on
When you serve your country well Listen close, you'll hear that Liberty Bell You set the captives free So they will know and see This country has a heart of love joy and peace
Your labor is not in vain We shall remember your name You are in our prayers Yes, we truly care
Do you know that there are angels watching over you Though you cannot see them, they are real and true No matter where they send you, Do not be afraid When the battle rages, You'll be strong and brave
Our U.S. military will make you strong With discipline and training, you can't go wrong Obey your leaders that are over you They will lead and guide you safely through
But, if you find your self in a hole Where it is dark, lonely and cold Just remember Victory is your goal Be a soldier strong and bold
We are thankful, they chose you You are a soldier, faithful and true Many prayers we lift up for you You are the eagle that carries us through | By Susan R. Smith Copyright 2007 Listed March 22, 2007 |