A Soldier's Prayer |
Lord as I go out to do battle
To defend my Countries Freedom
I shall stand tall and proudly march behind my Flag
Help me Lord, to bring only Honor
To my Country's colors
I ask you to help me and guide me
Lord when I am afraid, replace my fear with courage
When I am weak, give me strength
Where there is battle fatigue
Give me endurance to go on
Where there is despair
Give me faith to carry my flag in my heart
And when my brother or sister has fallen
Give me the strength to carry them back to safety
Never let me leave anyone behind
And when I have taken my enemies life in battle
I ask you to forgive me for what I have done
Realize Lord, I fought proudly for my God and My Country
So that every American will forever remain Free!
Amen |
Ruby Alexandra Beloz
Copyright 2002 Listed May 10, 2009
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