During times of trouble this great nation has always sent forth her bravest and best. Men and women dedicated to the promise of truth, hope, and liberty; these individuals give all to insure freedom for all. Honorable individuals return to us knowing they have protected our land and we show our love, appreciation and respect for a job well done! Yet, there is another group who are just as brave, just as selfless, and just as deserving; we never see their dedication. | 
| This is for those individuals who serve without recognition, without fanfare, and without a thought for personal safety and gain. This is for the "Shadow Warriors"; civilians who serve this nation in all capacities. To those of you who answer the call time and again ... THANK YOU from a grateful nation! |
Shadow Warriors | The band strikes up familiar songs, A crowd begins to roar, This nation will avenge the wrongs, Thrust upon her shores. Wave Old Glory high and proud, Give us cause to say, With voices lifted o' so loud, "By right we'll win this day!" As dawn begins to end the night, And sunlight fills the day, The shadows do not all take flight, No person looks their way. For in the shadows that remain, Silently they stand, Sworn to serve beyond the pain, Defending this great land! They carry not a weapon strong, Nor wear a medal bright, No tanks to stand against the wrong, No bombs to wage the fight. Armed only with their selfless love, Of nation one for all, Holding freedom high above, They heed this noble call. They feel the pain of loneliness, Loves lost and left behind, To the cause they give their best, The shadows leave them blind. We know them not, nor see their face, Their names upon no wall, The shadows are their battle place, When they answer freedom's call! Forget them not though known to none, They wage the battle strong, Shadow Warriors 'til the war is won, Forever fighting wrong! Give thought and pause to think of those, Whom we will never see, For by their hands our courage grows, Their efforts keep us free! Out of the shadows and into the light, They will walk again, Shadow Warriors called to fight, With minds and paper and pen! No medals placed upon their chest, No gratitude bestowed, No hearty thanks for doing their best, No debts repaid ... none owed! They ask for nothing yet give their all, For each of us at home, When freedom issues another call, Into the shadows they walk alone. Forget them not nor what they do, To keep this nation free, Remember all are warriors true, Protecting you and me! God bless the shadows on this day, And those who toil within, And let America pause to say, "Thank you all brave friends!" by Roy Jenkins Copyright2002 |