Sailor Knots |  |
| Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans, The North, Med and South China Seas. Beneath Polar ice or over the Trench Adventure begins where are these.
The United States Navy's canvas sails Were stowed away long, long ago. No longer dependant on current or wind Now reactors decide where we will go.
American oak protecting her crew, Old Ironsides was built to last. Now all-welded steel painted haze-gray On stem, stern, ladder and mast.
Bonhomme Richard, Ranger, Constitution, Our first Sloops and Frigate's-of-war. Monitor, Hunley, Maine, Arizona, Sunk to patrol nevermore.
Holystoned decks and tar on the lines Square sails taut in the breeze. Rubberized coatings now help ships to hide On top and down deep in the sea.
Roundshot, canister, grape, bar and chain, From 32-pound cast iron guns. Phoenix, Harpoon, Sparrow, Sidewinder, And bombs that are no longer dumb.
Broadside exchanges sent cannonballs flyin' While muskets were fired by Marines. With today's jets and radar, missiles and subs, The enemy might never be seen.
The crow's nest mounted upon the main mast Was high as a man could go. Now sailors in aircraft launched out of this world On shuttles see earth down below.
One nautical mile is equal one knot, How fast a ship travels 6,076 feet. Bowline, half hitch, figure eight, square, Sailor knots not known for speed.
Sea legs and bo'sun, Master-At-Arms, Fathom and anchor's aweigh. Like Davy Jones' Locker, home port and tattoo, The lingo hangs on still today.
From whaleboat to carrier, E-1 to O-10 Sky-high or submerged down below. Defending, assisting, by SEa, Air or Land 24 � 7 �round the globe. | By Ken B. Harper Copyright 2005 Listed 11/24/2005 |