Try To Remember Me |  |
| In the revolutionary war you called me minutemen I fought so that this country could have its birth I fought against many nations so that freedom would remain In the trenches of world war one I laid in mud and water Heard the horrors of war, seen men too young fall In the Second World War I fought on many fronts I battled the enemies of freedom on land, sea and air I felt the heat of pacific the cold of Europe Left many friends under rows of crosses When all seemed dark and lost I did not fail you I have always gone to defend you when freedom called As a National Guard member I filled sandbags Fought Mother Nature to defend your homes In the jungles of Vietnam I fought alone As you protested against me back home In the very streets I fought to keep free You spit on me as I returned home Called me a baby killer, though it was with honor I fought Now after the horrors of September 11 I wipe the tears away Went to fight terrorism so no enemy would again harm you I leave my heart at home with my loved ones My son I can't play catch with, a daughter I can't watch grow up A wife, a husband I can't hold when they miss me Now once again you protest against me My children left to hear what your lies say about me If only you could think about your actions See the pain caused by your words As I fight to keep you too free If only you could think about what I give up for you So that you will never live in world not free If only you could remember my children when you talk bad of me Remember I too am someone's husband, mother, and child That chose the path of honor and wears the uniform of America If only you think of someone above yourself Think about the cost paid to keep you free The tears I see fall when a friend is lost Tears that cry when a mother is left to carry on To raise a child alone when a hero falls If only you could respect someone Who does what you don't have the courage to do Fight so that America can be safe and free So tonight say a prayer for soldier far from home Say one also for those we left at home for you I am an American soldier Try to remember me! | Steve Foster Copyright 2004 |