Remember |
Was it years ago or only yesterday I walked into
eternity and forever became part of this place where my
comrades and I lie lifeless, unmoving, slain?
seemed in one savage, red explosion we were ambushed,
surrounded, dead. The jungle returned to its ancient
business, assimilating us while our bodies still bled.
We all knew that brave motto about no one ever being
left behind; but, in spite of good intentions, one cannot
retrieve what one cannot find.
So, here we lie,
violated, stripped, fodder for the jungle's insatiable
appetite; slowly returning to the earth as time rolls on,
day rotating endlessly into night.
But, console
yourself, for I really am not in this place where my body
fell. It only took an instant before I was divested of
that confining shell.
I live in the abiding love
tenderly shining forth when my picture is caressed by
your eyes; I'm part of the gentle breath released when
you think of me and sigh.
I am there in the crinkled
curve of your lips when, after a while, the memories
of our happy times together cause you to pause and smile.
I exist in the sad tears that slowly well when
thoughts of me make you cry; as long as you remember � as
you hold me in your heart � I cannot die.
Do not
forget me, Father; fold me forever in the warmth of your
mind, Mother. And you, Little Sister, I know you'll
always cherish the memory of your brother.
you, Beloved, who pledged to honor and treasure me always
as my wife; you are the ultimate blessing that defined
and enriched my life.
I am forever here with you...
Remember... |
By Thurman P. Woodfork
Copyright 2007 Listed
February 16, 2011 |