Rainbow |
Air Force basic training
Where you will learn to live and fight
After your first haircut
You become a Rainbow
Rainbow, Rainbow, don't be blue
Our recruiter screwed us too
Sound off One Two, One two three four
One two, THREE, FOUR
You are now a rainbow
As your stubble on your head
All you can see is the colors of a rainbow
Freshly new to military life
Rainbow, Rainbow, don't look down
There's no six pack on the ground
Sound off One Two, One two three four
The day arrives and you are ready to graduate
You will no longer be called a rainbow
You see the new recruits coming in
As you leave you tell the new ones
Rainbow, Rainbow don't look down
There's no six pack on the ground
Sound off, One Two, Three Four
One, Two, THREE FOUR |
Merrill Vaughan, Ret. USAF MSgt.
Assistance Site
Copyright 2004 Listed April
11, 2009 |