The Pride of Our Country |  |
Today as before, our brave do fight
For a land they love, a flag so right
The pride of our country, yes they are
The strength of our nation, best by far
Just as our brave from each war gone by
They march for us proudly, flag held high
From all over this land they come to serve
They're taught by the best, this they deserve
When troops give their all, the world does see
Whether serving on land, in the air, or at sea
The pride from this country, march through war
With home drawn strength, held deep in their core
Our best are so awesome; their loved ones well know
May God guide their journey where they � for us � go
What these brave must have is support from their own
The love from their people, firm thankfulness shown
Our greatest achievement is that we're still free
Please take time and ponder who caused this to be | By Roger J. Robicheau
Former SP5 US Army
Copyright 2005 Listed March 27, 2009 |