Our Mighty Eagles Soar |
Our Eagles soar upon our enemy of Iraq.
Many lost, but God will bring most back.
They are the Eagles that do not shiver in the rain
They are the sons and daughters, who will come home again.
They shall run and not be weary; lie down and sleep.
They know the home front is praying for God to keep,
Every woman or man that has the strength of the eagle,
They'd crunch the enemy, as would the USA beagle.
Our armies shall mount up with wings, as does the eagle.
When they glimpse the enemy, all are loyal and regal.
They shall run and not be weary; walk, but not faint.
They shall also be tired, but God will send Saints.
Our US Eagles flock together; proud and strong,
They know this enemy was so very wrong.
They that wait upon the Lord, know their strength
All stay and do their duty the breadth and the length
Come home again soon our daughter or our son
We miss you all so much; we know soon, you will have won
Wait upon the Lord; your strength He will renew.
We, here at home shall never stop praying for you. |
By Pearlie Duncan Walker Copyright 2007 http://www.obsv.com/wildfern/ Listed
October 2, 2007 |