May We Never Forget | 
| Do you or have you had a son or daughter over there? Drop everything else and ask God in Holy Prayer To keep them safe Lord; guard their precious lives Take away all the greed, the anger and let them survive.
They are America's children all responsible; all grown up Bring them back sweet Jesus; we need Thee to fill our cup These were our babies that we rocked to sleep at night Bring them home soon Lord; bring them in sight.
Their hearts and ours beat proudly shooing away the foe Let them know Thee Lord; in all the far places, they go. Help us to keep our eyes on Thee now and forevermore Until we are with our Savior, on that golden shore.
Give our people in war confidence and blessings today Help them to know Thou art there with them all the way Let each heart and soul know Thee hug them to your heart However, please Lord; bring back each one, never to part.
Lord, let there be no more sad deaths over there Let each and every heart go to Thee in Prayer Please bless and keep safe our Nation of the USA If it is Thy will Lord, bring all home this day... | Pearlie Duncan Walker Copyright 2007 Listed July 2, 2007 |