Military Moms |
This year on Mother's Day
We should think of offspring lost
And Mothers of all those Troops
Who paid the ultimate cost.
They've watched Sons and Daughters
Sent off to a foreign land
To fight wars and give their all
In some conflicts so ill planned.
But no matter what the reasons
They've always stepped up to the line
To give their lives for Freedoms
Enjoyed by all of yours and mine.
We must Honor all those Mothers
Of all those who have Served
And Sacrifices that they made
With our, "Thanks!", so well deserved.
It takes a very Special Lady
To let Her Child go off to War
Or just to join the Military
With the pride and fear and more.
There's too many Gold Star Mothers
And if you might know of one
Please send Her a special wish
To praise Her Daughter or Son.
Military Moms are the Greatest
With a strength beyond compare
Who hope and pray their loved one
Comes Home safe, from over there.
So, let's keep them in our thoughts
And hope their prayers come true
All those Moms and all those Troops
Who stand Strong and Proud, and True. |
Del "Abe" Jones
Copyright 2006 Listed May 8, 2009 |