Midway |  |
| It was June the 4th 1942, As I was floating in the ocean alone; The ship I had sailed on, sank to the bottom And I thought I would never again, see home.
The Japanese fleet had steamed in from the east With the intentions of capturing Midway. Though they were stopped by American war ships, Whose guns, bombs and torpedoes planes saved the day.
All night long, I watched the fireworks of war And on the second day we turned up the heat. As big bombers from Hawaii dropped their loads, On Japanese ships who soon chose to retreat.
An imperial pilot came floating close by, Who had been chewed on by the beasts of the sea. I couldn't help but feel passion for this is man Who had answered his call just like me.
When it was over, I was plucked from the deep, By men in a lifeboat just after the dawn. For two days I had watched the battle for, Midway; Now it's quiet and the enemy has gone. | By Tom Zart Copyright 2003 Listed May 1, 2007 Tom Zart's site |
It is illegal to use this poem without the author's permission. ~~ Send your comments and/or use permission request to Tom. ~~ |