Why Memorial Day? | 
Today is for remembering Both the living and the
dead, Who've served in the Armed Forces, And fought,
and also bled, To safeguard our liberty, And freedom
we enjoy, And keep our America free, Which tyrants
would destroy.
And in the cemeteries both On this
and foreign land, Thousands of white crosses, In
memory now stand, To remind us of the price they paid
So you and I may be Free from chains of bondage, From
sea to shining sea.
And yet, the threat is still
there, As there are enemies Who would enslave America,
With Old Glory waving in the breeze, And take away
our freedom for which So many have fought and died,
Leaving widows and orphans behind, Who then have been
The love of father or mother, Or brother
or sister, here, Who've served in the Armed Forces,
To defend this land so dear, But more, to keep America
free For loved ones left behind, Who love this land,
America, On which Father's light has shined.
bless the men and women Who serve in the Armed Forces
today, And also those who've served in the past, To
defend the U. S. A., And may we keep in memory those
Who've paid the ultimate price, As their last measure of
devotion, A noble sacrifice.
And on this day,
Memorial Day, May we keep in memory, A humble prayer
of thanksgiving, To God, and also He, Who died upon
the rugged cross, That we might live again And be with
loved ones we have lost, In Jesus' name, Amen. | By James H. Lee, Jr.
Copyright 2011 Listed May 31, 2011 |