Memorial Day |  |
| I stood and looked at your grave today Remembering the love you gave me The morals you taught, and the love for a country so strong
Once upon a time you stood for this country Through two wars and countless conflicts And left a family who loved and missed you To do the honorable and right thing
You weren't drafted No one forced you You volunteered For all the hardship and lousy pay
And you did all of it with pride Honoring your country The flag and those gone before Meant the world to you
Once you returned you made sure To teach us all the same beliefs and values No matter who is in charge, this country is ours It will be what we make it, but you have to be active in the building
Some of us followed your path Joined and served - voluntarily With pride, honor and strong beliefs And the best part was you were proud of us for it
I fly the flag every day Daddy As you taught me to do And I will always think of you when it waves And salute it with pride and love
Now I am the one left behind, by you And the man I married Who is so much like you it amazes me But I know you would approve
Many friends of mine who you knew Are in other countries fighting battles not their own And doing it with the same pride and love for country We all got to learn a little of from you
I miss all of you My heart aches, the tears flow when I hear certain songs But I also swell with pride for none chose an easy path
Many attack or protest their existence Our flag, our country, our policies Not foreign governments but our own people Yet those special few stand with pride and smile anyway
They know, as did you That without them there would not be all the liberties So many take for granted Without a thought for what all of our men and women give up
A father misses his child's birth A mother cries while clutching the blanket of her baby left behind A son is unable to go to a funereal he should attend A sister misses a wedding she should be in
And though they are sad, They would do it again Because these men and women are unlike others And have in their hearts a higher purpose
They are the red, white and blue Their hearts will always swell as the flag is raised Their bodies will stand strong no matter how tired Their mind is always on the next mission
I thank them today and everyday For my life would not be what it is without them And I think of you, gone now, but not completely And the ones I love, so far away but always in my thoughts | By Karen Kast-McBride Copyright 2005 Listed March 19, 2007 |