Memorial |
Remember all the boys who loyal valor wore
Just doing their duty in times of direful war.
Remember boys who fought humanity's good fight
Who battled, stouthearted and bold, for right.
Worship at the altar of liberty
That the flower of youth in finest hour's nobility
Will live on in cherished memory.
Remember brave hearts longing for justice making
Bearing terrible sword's of swiftest lightning
An ever valiant place in annals of history earning
For age shall not defeat them
Assailing enemies no longer have power to condemn
These grandest princes of freedom found
Those who honor bring to hallowed ground.
O hear trumpets sound plaintive, sad refrains
Feel tears shed in innocent eyes still feeling the pains
Remember boys standing straight and standing tall
Who in heed to battle's raucous call
Gave the greatest gift of life, their all.
Heroes journeying the dimming pits of Hellish strife
Fought for a country they loved more than life.
As rivers of tears flow from a generation's eyes
Remember loving boys who saw too much
Just sons, husbands, fathers, who've done too much
Contending with bastions of hate in cankered mire
To the grandest precepts of manhood inspire
Just ordinary boys standing up against despots
Lionhearted men, Freedom's brave zealots.
With noble courage still, they silently cry
O what from our sacrifice have you learned,
They sigh.
For what meaning did we die?
Preserving grand liberty for you and me?
Stand now on the bank of heaven's river, can't you see?
We've given up the good times
Fallen forever mid battle's discordant rhymes.
Will you this day in honor remember
Within your heart hold dear this glowing ember?
Remember warriors who fight for a gallant cause
Forevermore without question or pause
Who yield this land of milk and honey's berth
Ever defiant of evil to gain peace on earth
That God's precept of brotherhood find new birth!
Award us in this hour thy dauntless approbation.
Remember always our revered union
Holy vessels by our fathers sanctified
By ragged scars of death purified
Men no longer from the season of fear hidden
By the world's cares driven.
For those who've fallen, do not weep
For in their purest soul cares keep.
Grant this soldier's last prayer... never forget!
Remember our pi�ce de r�sistance nugget!
Remember so our struggle might not have been in vain.
Sing our battle cry of freedom's impassioned strain.
Remember, that we may ever in spirit be with you.
Remember to thoughts of loss and death eschew.
Remember, to love us now, as we love you. |
Gary Jacobson
Copyright 2002 Listed May
31, 2010 |
About Author...
In 1966-67, Gary Jacobson served with B Co 2nd/7th 1st Air Cavalry in
Vietnam as a combat infantryman and is the recipient of the
Purple Heart.
Gary, who resides in Idaho writes stories he hopes are never
forgotten, perhaps compelled by a Vietnamese legend that
says, "All poets are full of silver threads that rise
inside them as the moon grows large." So Gary says he
writes because "It is that these silver threads are words
poking at me � I must let them out. I must! I write for my
brothers who cannot bear to talk of what they've seen and to
educate those who haven't the foggiest idea about the effect
that the horrors of war have on boys-next-door."
Visit Gary Jacobson's
site for more information
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