The U. S. Marine |  |
U - Unselfish in Nature
S - Strong in Body
M - Mighty in Spirit
A - Always Ready
R - Respectful of Truth
I - Inspired by Code
N - Never Gives Up
E - Excels in Action
It seems so long ago that he was
just a child
Playing good guys and bad guys
Back then it was just a game
With only a toy gun to aim
As he grew, his world began to
With many decisions yet to be
One day, he talked to a man in
And knew his life was about to
So, this young boy went away
To a place where men are made
A place to fulfill his dream
Of becoming a United States
He did what was needed
To make his dream come true
Through grueling days and
sleepless nights
He put up an endless fight
He reached deep down inside
Endured the hunger and pain
He pushed his body to the max
Because there was little time to
Those long weeks are over
The boy is now a man
Passing the final test
He is now one of the best
When he puts that uniform on
He knows he's earned that right
For it's no longer a dream
This poem was written for my son LCPL Eric. He
from MCRDSD Golf Co. on April 6, 07. I'm very proud of him
and also my nephew LCPL Sean, he graduated from MCRDSD
Golf Co. on Sept. 8, 06. Both have been to Iraq and back.
I am also proud of my daughter who's been in the Navy
since mid 2002.By Barbara Sanderlin
Copyright 2008 Listed September 25, 2008 |