Losing a generation of heroes, one by one, day by day. And the world becomes less for it.
Losing a generation of heroes, who sacrificed their youth and gave their lives to keep the world free. Women giving up husbands, children, brothers for what was right.
Losing a generation of heroes who built prosperity through the sweat of their brow, the work of their hands, inventiveness of their minds, and self reliance.
Losing a generation of heroes who embraced hard work, family values, morals, and patriotism as the fabric of life.
Losing a generation of heroes, citizen soldiers, Rosie Riveters, overcoming a dangerous world and building a better one for posterity.
Losing a generation of heroes every day, every hour, every minute, and watch the world they built undone law by law, judgment by judgment, by selfish people who never paid the price who never made the sacrifice who will never understand and call their lack of understanding "progress."
Losing a generation of heroes while those who remain cry as they watch the foundation they built crumble, brick by brick, standard by standard, moral by moral, by self-centeredness and greed.
Losing a generation of heroes. We mourn for them knowing the world will never be the same. |