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Patriotic Poems
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Contributor: Gary Jacobson || Poem Categories

The Last Night country as flag
Tonight is the night
Obsidian blackness bares its greatest fright
Hands of death hovering sweetly near
I in the heart of me greatly fear.

Life has grown in wonderment sweet
But this night will I my maker meet
I will sing of death's final song
Give of my spirit in gratitude to eternities long.

For in the dark is the greatest love born
When life's meaningless trappings are shorn:
Made sacred as Gabriel's angels mourn,
Solemnly blowing sweet taps on his celestial horn.

Sweet and sour caresses come during hollow nights
Before a soldier opening consecrated divinity's lights
Bearing sweetest contentment to this lonely boy
Dark'ning life's greatest joy.

For fragile night will not through dawning last
Life destined soon to be but a thing of the past
As shadows fall and night grows cold
Memories fade of both good and bad times old.

For greater life hides in dusky death, my friend
Everything you believed in as dust in the end
But this night I put off life's crown of thorns
To take upon myself royal robes sweet heaven adorns.

Listening for Celestial harps that to heroes ring
For men who've done their best in tempests life bring
Proven heroes who offered their very all
Lived and died standing straight for what they believe
... standing tall!
By Gary Jacobson
Copyright 2003
Listed December 26, 2010

About Author... In 1966-67, Gary Jacobson served with B Co 2nd/7th 1st Air Cavalry in Vietnam as a combat infantryman and is the recipient of the Purple Heart.

Gary, who resides in Idaho writes stories he hopes are never forgotten, perhaps compelled by a Vietnamese legend that says, "All poets are full of silver threads that rise inside them as the moon grows large." So Gary says he writes because "It is that these silver threads are words poking at me � I must let them out. I must! I write for my brothers who cannot bear to talk of what they've seen and to educate those who haven't the foggiest idea about the effect that the horrors of war have on boys-next-door."

Visit Gary Jacobson's site for more information

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Note: Poems authored in the 1700s and 1800s can be used with reference to the author.

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