The Land of the Free
and Home of the Brave |
The heroes of America
Are dying, one by one,
Who served their country faithfully,
Through victories they won.
They fought upon the battlefields,
And won the victory
Against the would-be conquerors,
And America's enemy.
Many were the brave ones
Who gave their lives, their all,
Who fought upon foreign shores,
And answered heaven's call.
Yet many are still living,
But soon they will be gone,
So let us honor them while here,
The ones America depended upon,
To keep our banner waving,
And keep America free,
Free to live the good life,
From sea to shining sea.
God bless each living hero,
And may we not forget
The sacrifices that they made,
And challenges they met,
To safeguard our America,
And our Red, White and Blue,
And may we each remember,
As we, life's joys pursue,
They did it all for you and me,
So let's show our gratitude,
And thank them for their service,
With grateful attitude. | By James H. Lee, Jr.
Copyright 2009 Listed
March 19, 2009 |