I Ain't No Saint or Hero |
I ain't no saint
I ain't no hero
Don't make me out to be
Something that ain't me
Ask me who I am
And I'll tell you
I am just soldier
that walks the line
I go out every day
To what ever my faith may see
What happens to me
Is in my brothers hands
So I fight to protect the homeland
If I fall my brother or sister will carry me
If they fall I'll cover their back
Until we get them safely home
This doesn't make me a hero or a saint
Just soldier fighting for God and my Flag
Save your words
For those who deserve it more
I ain't no hero or a saint
All the heroes died for our homeland
They are the true soldier-saints
Don't pray for me
Pray for the heroes that didn't make it back
Pray for their families
Who will never see their child again
As for me, I serve my God and country
If you want to call me anything
Just call me a Soldier
A defender of your Liberty
A defender of your dreams
I am a defender of your freedom
So if I make it home
Don't forget us this time
Remember to thank my brothers and sisters
For your freedom and your lives
Just remember I ain't no hero or a saint!
I'm just a Soldier who was lucky
Lucky enough to make it back! |
Ruby Alexandra Beloz
Copyright 2004 Listed May 22, 2009
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